Student Elections
Missouri Students Association
The Missouri Students Association (MSA) holds campus wide elections twice a year during the fall and spring semesters. The MSA presidential election takes place each March and senatorial elections take place each November and March.
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Legion of Black Collegians (LBC)
The Legion of Black Collegians (LBC) is the black student government on MU’s campus. Each spring they elect new positions after the candidates are nominated and complete an application.
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Graduate Professional Council (GPC)
The Graduate Professional Council (GPC) is the official student government for all graduate, professional, and post-baccalaureate students at MU. GPC elects its leadership through their General Assembly each spring.
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Referendums and Governance
All MSA elections and referendums are governed by the Board of Election Commissioners (BEC). Public rulings by the BEC and MSA Student Court can be found on their MU Engage page. All forms and governing documents can be found on MU Engage as well. Voting simply requires a pawprint and password.
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